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825 B

package gameServer
const (
Auth string = "Auth"
Message string = "Message"
PlayerAction string = "PlayerAction"
System string = "System"
Lobby string = "Lobby"
const (
OK int = 200
LobbyListRequest int = 201
LobbyListAnswer int = 202
BadRequest int = 400
Forbidden int = 403
Unauthorized = 401
InternalServerError int = 500
200 - OK
201 - Lobby List Request
202 - Lobby List Answer
400 - Bad request
403 - Forbidden
401 - Unauthorized
500 - Internal server error
type Packet struct {
Type string "json:`Type`"
Status int "json:`Status`"
Message interface{} "json:`Message`"
type AuthMsg struct {
Login string "json:`Login`"
Password string "json:`Password`"
type LobbyList struct {
Lobbies []Room "json:`Lobbies`"